Sunday, September 1, 2024

August 2024

 The Summer Olympics 2024 was held July 26 - August 11, 2024. I took part in #stitchthesummerolympics on Instagram. I was able to stitch on all most all of the suggested prompts. I have completed the stitching on two of these projects and I’m in the progress of fully finishing one.

American Strawberries, Prairie Schooler
Soon this will be a strawberry, I just need to made and attach the top.
Prompts: Stitch something patriotic, Stitch with floss from a color in the Olympic rings
A Summer Road Trip, Silver Needle
Prompts: Stitch something related to Summer
I had some new starts, Peacock Pincushion, 12 Days of Christmas Stocking 7 Swans, and Slice of Harvest. 
Peacock Pincushion, Cottage Garden Samplings
Prompts: New start in 2024, Something round, and Something with an Animal

12 Days of Christmas-7 Swans
Prompt: Something with water
Slice of Harvest, Erica Michaels
Prompts: Something that is part of a series, and Something you can’t “weight” to work on.
Day of Jubilee was another of my SSO. I started stitching this with one strand but didin’t like the coverage so I’m stitching to 2 strands.
One Dozen Quaker, Rosewood manor was the project with the most progress and one of my finishes for August. 
One Dozen Quakers,
Rosewood Manor 
My other finish was Prince of Peace by Erica Michaels.
Prince of Peace
Erica Michaels
Thanks for stopping by, 

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