Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mid February Stitching

 Most of my January stitching was on BRRINGO calls. This year I did my first BRRINGO challenge, the brain child of Carolyn and Robyn - FB Magazine Monthly Challenge. The projects selected were based on prompts from Carolyn and Robyn. Each numbered project was randomly placed on a Bingo board.  Each day as a number was called the challenge was to work on the called project for 1 hour or 100 stitches. At the end of the month I had a Blackout.

  I’ve finished 2 projects from my BRRINGO  board and made some progress on a few others. 

Get In The Spirit - Brittercup Designs
Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 2009

Told In a Garden Angel - 1986 Freebie
Motif from Simple Gifts - Jeannette Douglas
This finish was a needle book for an exchange.
I thought I took a picture of the finished project before mailing, Can’t find it in my photos so I guess I didn’t.

This is my current progress on Put a Bird On It, and The Watergarden. 
Put a Bird On It -Modern Folk Embroidery
SAL with EJ of Sunshine Stitchers (FB)
The Watergarden - Chatelaine
SAL with FiberartsAmy and Maggie (FB)
I’m also working on Peacock Pincushion and Moonstone Garden. Pictures with next update.

Thanks for stopping by,

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Auld Lang Syne

December’s stitching was extremely unfocused. Most of my December stitching was on my reproduction sampler, AD 1757. I managed to stitch and fully finish one ornament, and had 3 starts.

Oh Holy Night, Shepherd’s Bush Kit
One new start was Simple Gifts Scissor Spool. This Jeanette Douglas design was kitted by Shepherd’s Needle for the FB group Homespun Needlework (Cross Stitch and Samplers) hosted by Julie Kursave. 

On  the 15th I started a new SAL with EJ of the Sunshine Stitchers. We have a great group of stitchers working on this 2024-2025 SAL, Put a Bird on It by Modern Folk Embroidery. This is my progress so far.
Put A Bird on It, Modern Folk Embroidery
My third start was The Watergarden, a Chatelaine mandala! Yes, I’ve started by first Chatelaine mandala. I have avoided these for many years but, I caved and will be working this with StitchingArtsAmy and Maggie in the FB group Chatelaine Watergarden SAL 2025. This was to be my New Year start but Maggie posted the first stage early so I took advantage and got an early start. 
The Watergarden, 
Martina Rosenberg, Chatelaine
I’m stitching on a 32ct fabric that I dyed.
Happy stitching in 2025 and thanks for stopping by,

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

November Update

 So I ran out to steam last month. I did a lot of stitching (at least it seemed that way to me). I didn’t do a very good job of recording what I worked on. One thing for sure was that I worked on was AD 1757. This reproduction from my class at Sassy Jacks has caused me a lot of pain in the last few weeks. I had to made some modifications in order to get past a major mistake that I made. There was to reversing (frogging)for me, I had done to much when I realized my error. Just today I completed Section 4 in a manner that was acceptable to me. Now on to the Dividing Bands and Section 5. Fingers crossed that I’ll have better success from here on. Yes, I know that Band 3 isn't complete. I'm not a fan of that stain stitch alphabet, but I'll come back to it and get it done

AD 1757, reproduction
Black Swan Studios
Some of my stitching time was spent on Peacock Pincushion, Cottage Garden Samplings and my Fall Soiree piece from Sassy Jacks.
Peacock Pincushion
Cottage Garden Samplings

Fall Soiree, Dutch sampler
Sassafras Samplers
 My only completion was Doodles: Thanksgiving, Heart in Hand.  
Doodles: Thanksgiving
Heart In Hand
Not sure how I will finish it yet.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


I had a chance to shop in a physical store in October. While visiting a friend in San Antonio we went to Comfort, TX to visit The Tinsmith's Wife.

Knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, and  punch needle are some of the craft supplies carried at the store. There are also lots of models for inspiration and an area for classes. If you are in the area it's well worth the visit.

 Along with my Mill Hill cats and beaded Jack from last post I managed two more finishes. I finished Autumn Row by Bent Creek and Pumpkin Row by October House Fiber Arts. I'm not sure how I will finish Autumn Row; must likely some type of framing. Pumpkin Row will be finished as a skinny mini pillow.

Autumn Row
Bent Creek
Pumpkin Row
October House Fiber Arts

My new start is Thankful, Bent Creek. 

Would like to finish this one this month.
My progress on Peacock Pincushion. I'm loving the colors on this very much.
Peacock Pincushion
Cottage Garden Samplings
I need to get some stitching done tonight.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wednesday, October 30, 2024



It’s the Eve of Halloween.

Not much Halloween stitching got done in 2024.

My 2 Mill Hill cats and a beaded Jack were the only things that were completed.

Mill Hill Magic Kitty
Mini Jack, Cheryl Bryan, Hooking to the Beat
Mill Hill Haunted Kitty
Something of my previous finishes.
I’m still working on Another Year Creeps By. I’ve a small start on Halloween Square Dance 2, Heart  in Hand. I need to stitch Halloween all year long to make a dent in the to-be-stitched pile.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

September 2024

September turned out to be a very good stitchy month for me. For the first time I tried ABCingo. This stitching challenge is the brain child of CZook stitch and Robyn on the Facebook page Magazine Monthly Challenge. I selected 10 projects for this challenge; the goal being to stitch 1 hour or at least100 stitches on each project on the day it was called.

I was able to keep up and managed a Blackout!
For Sampler September, I pulled out Past and Present, Rosewood Manor and made some progress on it.

I think I’m working this on the called for 28ct Cream Cashel linen. Also using the suggested DMC and Weeks Dye Works, Pelican Gray. 
Will continue to work on the alphabets then the Blackwork and Darning Sections.
In addition to Sampler September I worked on a few Sunflower projects. I was able to complete a set from Creative Angle Crafting and Bumble Bouquet by Hands On Designs. 

Sunflower Star, Sunflower Beaded Scissor Case, Sunflower Scissor Fob, Creative Angle Crafting: Bumble Bouquet, Hands On Designs
I’m thinking of finishing Bumble Bouquet as a pillow.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

August 2024

 The Summer Olympics 2024 was held July 26 - August 11, 2024. I took part in #stitchthesummerolympics on Instagram. I was able to stitch on all most all of the suggested prompts. I have completed the stitching on two of these projects and I’m in the progress of fully finishing one.

American Strawberries, Prairie Schooler
Soon this will be a strawberry, I just need to made and attach the top.
Prompts: Stitch something patriotic, Stitch with floss from a color in the Olympic rings
A Summer Road Trip, Silver Needle
Prompts: Stitch something related to Summer
I had some new starts, Peacock Pincushion, 12 Days of Christmas Stocking 7 Swans, and Slice of Harvest. 
Peacock Pincushion, Cottage Garden Samplings
Prompts: New start in 2024, Something round, and Something with an Animal

12 Days of Christmas-7 Swans
Prompt: Something with water
Slice of Harvest, Erica Michaels
Prompts: Something that is part of a series, and Something you can’t “weight” to work on.
Day of Jubilee was another of my SSO. I started stitching this with one strand but didin’t like the coverage so I’m stitching to 2 strands.
One Dozen Quaker, Rosewood manor was the project with the most progress and one of my finishes for August. 
One Dozen Quakers,
Rosewood Manor 
My other finish was Prince of Peace by Erica Michaels.
Prince of Peace
Erica Michaels
Thanks for stopping by, 

Monday, July 22, 2024

JULY Update

 June’s finishes included Monica, A pincushion doll, Flag of Stars and Anjour Pears. I started the finishing on Monica so far the skirt is stitched up, and the apron finished except for some apron strings or other form of attachment. Next time I work on her I  need to construct her body, and complete the  work on her apron and skirt. 

Monica, A Pincushion Doll, GPA
I’m not sure how I be finishing Flag of Stars. Maybe I’ll come up with something before Veteran’s Day.
Flag of Stars, Bent Creek
Fabric has been picked out for the finishing on my pears. I want to stitch at least one more before I tackle the finishing.
Anjour Pear, Annie Beez 
I was trucking along on Christmas Garden then noticed I had a counting error or two. Okay it’s really 3! Don’t know how that happened, must have been stitching late at night again. One entire motif has to come out. It’s too close to the basket of flowers. I also have one error on each side of the center. They may stay. Time will tell. I should work on this 2 more days to complete my July WIPGO but I’m not feeling it right now. Nine more days to go, there is still a chance.
Christmas Garden, Blackbird Deisgns
For 24 Hours of Cross Stitch Weekend (July 19-21) I concentrated primarily on One Dozen Quakers and Mabel Tuke 1779. I got more than half of the bottom panel done. Anxious to get this one in the finished column.
One Dozen Quaker, Last 3 big motifs are done as well as the border. Now to finish the personalization and add the remaining small motifs.
Mabel Tuk 1779, Sassyfras Samplers
#Stitchthesummerolympics starts on Friday. I don’t have all my projects selected yet but I’m ready for the first 4 days (challenges). 

Thanks for stopping by,

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hop Happily

This is my latest fully finished project. 
Hop Happily, 
Be Like a Crow
Erica Michaels
I'm working on finishing a second project but it's taking me awhile to get it done. Hopefully I'll have something else to share soon. 

Thanks for stopping by,


Sunday, June 2, 2024

May 2024


 During May I managed three finishes, Slice of Summer, Be Like a Crow, and Anjour Pears-Swirl.

Slice of Summer, 

Erica Michaela’s

Be Like a Crow: Hop Happily

Erica Michales

                                                             Anjour Pears, Swirl

Annie Beez Folk Art

I have selected some trinm and backing fabric for Hop Happily and Anjour Pears; I will try for some finishing this weekend. '


I’ve added the outside border for Prince of Peace as well as all the mini motifs on the inside. Coming in to the home stretch.

                                                                Prince of Peace

Erica Michaels

One Dozen Quakers is ahead of the suggested stitching schedule. The large motif I was working on is now done as well as the main motif for May. Next up will be some more initials and the smaller motifs in this top section.That will put me through suggested stitching through July.

                                                             One Dozen Quakers

Rosewood Manor

This month’s WIPGO had 3 numbers called. Since I had completed the stitching on one of the numbers that was called I added Prince of Peace as my number 13 (free space). I accomplished my additional 5 days on Prince of Peace and.  3 days on Lady Justice (#19). The numbers for June are 2, Cinnamon Stars and 25, Monica. If I complete her over skirt on this go round I can start putting her together.

Thanks for stopping by,


Saturday, May 4, 2024

More April Stitchng

With my April stitching, I continued to work on my Year of WIPS (YoW), and my WIPGO Boards. I’m  also using the Magazine Monthly Challenges to help me pick my focus pieces each month.

I did some frogging on this one and will most likely do some more. I’ve changed my mind about the colors in that top border. The border is repeated below ‘ A Son is Given’. This is my progress so far.

Prince of Peace

Erica Michaels

I’m working on the largest motif on One Dozen Quakers. A few more hours and it will be done. I’m not strictly following the SAL schedule but I’m still on track. The Zoom meeting on Friday helped my get most of the inside of the motif done. I’m switching the numbers for initials of my family.

One Dozen Quakers
Rosewood Manor
My starts included A Slice of Summer and Swirl Anjou Pears.

I’m stitching with the called for Dinky Dyes. I started with the one on the left, Swirl. This will be a new to me finish. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will go well
Anjou Pears
Annie Beez

This is being stitched with some called for colors and some subs. The design came kitted with the fabric and a cute ladybug button. Wish I could find the other seasons.
Slice of Summer Kit
Erica Michaels
Nativity Row
Bent Creek
Nativity Row is the second of my 4 completions for the YoW. Two more to go by December.

Thanks for stopping by,